It’s that time of year again, back to school season has officially started. Whether your kids are starting kindergarten or finishing high school, they’re going to need to eat lunch everyday, so why not switch things up this year and make lunch totally rad? Today I want to share with you my 5 Tips for Making Lunch More Fun this year!
1. Keep Things Interesting:
I don’t know about you but if I had to eat the same old boring sandwich every day I’d go crazy. Try sending the kids back to school with something different, like this dippable lunch.
2. Invest In Quality Boxes:
If you buy quality boxes that are going to last several years, you’ll not only be saving money by not buying disposable bags, but you’ll also be helping keep the earth clean. I’ve had some of these boxes for over three years and they’re still in great condition.
3. Use Cookie Cutters Creatively:
You don’t need to go out and spend a ton of money on dedicated Bento tools, cookie cutters fit the bill just fine. Keep in mind that you don’t always have to use them for the shape they are. Even just cutting a sandwich into little squares ups the fun factor!
4. Keep Things Simple:

Food kids make is food that will be eaten. It’s that simple. Kids love to cook, so let them! Give them healthy options and let them choose what goes in their lunch each day.
For more lunch inspiration, visit Sarah at Green Lunches, Green Kids, where she shares fun, easy, and eco-friendly bento style lunches.
Raddish is a cooking club for kids! Created with a mission of bringing families together in the kitchen and at the table, our monthly thematic cooking kits take the guesswork out of cooking with kids while creating delicious kitchen memories along the way. Raddish is designed by a team of educators and chefs who believe the kitchen classroom is the tastiest place to learn. Join today!