Welcome to Kitchen Chemistry!

Not a member yet? Get the Kitchen Chemistry kit here

A Spotify Playlist

Conduct edible experiments while listening to science-themed songs from our custom made playlist via Spotify.

(You'll need to sign up for a Spotify account in order to listen.)

Cooking with Caramelized Onion Jam

Use this month's Caramelized Onion Jam to add a burst of flavor to these delicious dishes, available for download here

Grocery Store Scavenger Hunt 

Explore your local grocery store for basic (bitter) and acidic (sour) liquids in this month's grocery store scavenger hunt, available for download here

Kitchen Chemistry Lesson Plan

At Raddish, we believe the kitchen is the tastiest place to learn!  And Raddish is a terrific supplement to your homeschool curriculum. Subscribe to Raddish for a FREE lesson plan each month (delivered via our Shopping List email).  Each lesson plan divides your kit into 3, 45-90 minute lessons you can use and adapt to support your homeschool study, pre-k through middle school.


At Raddish, we strive to accommodate the needs of all families. Below please find recommended substitutes for our Rad-Families with dietary restrictions, compliments of VeegMama, a lifestyle blog sharing new approaches to healthy living through food, wellness, and personal fulfillment. 


High-Rise Biscuits >> Use gluten free flour.

 Dairy Allergy

High-Rise Biscuits >> Use non-dairy butter, such as Earth Balance and non-dairy milk, such as soy, rice or almond.

Ricotta Cheese >> Use almond ricotta cheese. Recipe compliments of www.beardandbonnet.com.


High-Rise Biscuits >> Use non-dairy butter, such as Earth Balance and non-dairy milk, such as soy, rice or almond. 

Ricotta Cheese >> Use almond ricotta cheese. Recipe compliments of www.beardandbonnet.com.

*Click here to receive delicious savings on Beyond Meat products. 

Measurements may vary based on substitute.