Why Raddish?

Raddish was founded on the belief that there are endless benefits to cooking with kids.

A membership is guaranteed to take the guesswork out of cooking with kids so that families can spend more time cooking -- and eating -- together. 


What will your RAD-KID gain from cooking with you?

  A rich sensory activity that excites all five senses and builds a foundation for a lifelong love of cooking.

  A tactile experience that improves motor skills, sequencing, and following directions.

  An appreciation of where food comes from and basic food literacy.

  The opportunity to experience success, independence, creativity, and confidence.

  An understanding of the role nutrition plays in our physical and emotional health, and the awareness to make healthy choices about what to eat. 

  The fun exploration of geography and culture while expanding your Rad-Kid's palate

  The chance to learn and apply academic skills including math, science, and reading comprehension


What will YOU gain from cooking with your Rad-Kid?

  Enjoying kitchen time together, learning about food and cooking side by side.

  The opportunity to do something meaningful and necessary alongside your kids: making healthy food for -- and with -- your family.

  A new appreciation for food and the experience of preparing it.  It’s magical to explore food through the eyes of a child – even in the discovery of every day basics like the transformation of dried pasta to spaghetti and meatballs, melting ice cubes, or how carrots grow from underground. 


Read what Rad-Families are saying about Raddish!  

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